Given the importance of his position, Siff’s father is rarely home when she gets back from school, and today is no different. Bellerophon is waiting for her outside the front door.
“Hey you two! What took you so long? Long romantic walk in the park make you forget about our plans?”
“Hey Bear! Nah, someone decided to take their sweet time fetching my homework from my locker.”
“You’re welcome.” Noven smiles and gives her a nudge.
“What? You let someone inside your locker? Noven, you must be a pretty special guy ‘cos Siff trusts nobody to go in her locker. Kudos on the relationship milestone, you two!”
“Oh shut up, Bear.” Bellerophon just grins at her and turns to her boyfriend.
“You want to join us? We’re going to hit up the VR then have supper at Mencho’s.”
“Thanks, but I’ve got airball practice in thirty mins: I’ll catch you later. See you, Babe.”
Noven gives Siff a quick kiss and then walks back toward the downtown.
“He never has warmed up to me, has he?”
“I think you scare him.”
“What? I’m friendly.”
“I know, but…you’re also a little intimidating.”
“Ha! If he got to know me he’d relax a little. Anyway, you ready to go?”
Siff opens the front door, quickly organizes her schoolwork into piles on the nearby counter, then steps back outside. The door clicks shut behind her excited face, “Yep! Let's go.”
On this level of the ship a significant section of parkland is given to entertainment purposes. Interspersed between giant game modules are screens and holograms showing all the latest episodes of all the latest shows. The most popular by far is the show that documents the Chosen Ones, and crowds are always watching to see their favorite characters. Smaller versions of these screens are throughout the ship; no-one wants to miss a beat when it comes to the future of the human race. Siff tries to be aloof about the Chosen Ones, but deep down she can’t help being caught up in the excitement and romance of vicariously living such a free life.
Siff and Bear skip the holograms and head to the VR module: a large complex with multiple games ranging from fully immersive bodysuits and rooms, to applied reality through goggles that layer over the existing scenery for adventures in the park. Today they opt for the full bodysuit combat adventure, in an alien jungle landscape. Six teams of two all trying to reach the top of the hill first, while fighting each other along with any flora and fauna that get randomly loaded up.
The pair lower their headsets and pick up their rifles as they enter the jungle. Hearing shots already being fired a hundred yards away, Siff knows there are some amateur teams playing. She nods to Bellerophon and they get low to move slowly through the undergrowth.
Each player is equipped with a rifle, a handgun, and a knife. The guns are lasers and fire no projectiles, the knife is hard foam; if a player is struck the bodysuit freezes that part of their body for two seconds, then slows the suit to show injury. If they are struck in the torso or head the entire suit collapses and becomes inactive for five seconds, then the player can choose to remain a body on the field, or leave the game. Siff and Bellerophon come play as often as they can and are seasoned veterans, but sometimes due to lack of players they are put against those who are not as skilled. Today is turning out to be that kind of day.
This particular scenario plays well with stealth tactics, but there is continuous gunfire coming from the right as at least two of the teams are locked in a firefight, the occasional stray bullet cutting through the surrounding brush as the pair silently make their way up the hill. Siff alters direction as she spies movement up ahead. Bear follows her advance upon an unsuspecting opponent as Siff deftly draws her knife and silently strikes from behind. Bear throws his knife into the teammate’s forehead then retrieves his blade. The pair look smugly at each other, this could be an easy win if the rest of the teams are at this level.
They continue their advance up the hill, using foliage as cover and staying aware of any natural or human dangers. There are possibly two other teams they haven’t heard or seen yet. Siff watches Bear narrowly dodge a thrown knife and dive behind a tree as he aims his rifle, but his opponent is on him before he can fire and the two begin wrestling on the ground. Siff draws her gun but cannot see the teammate. She stalls, faced with the decision to draw her knife and help Bellerophon, risking them both for easy gunfire, or wait for a clear shot on the attacker and hope the teammate can’t pick them both off. Bear seems to be getting the better of the fight, but there is no way the other teams don’t know where they are now. They need to get out of this area, fast. Siff puts the gun away and rushes in with the knife. With Bear grappling his opponent she is able with one slash to finish the enemy off. They split immediately and run for cover as the inevitable gunfire falls on them. She hears Bear grunt as a bullet hits his leg. The bodysuits don’t give the full effect, but they definitely make the hits known. He will be slowed for the rest of the game.
Now under cover and separated, they are pinned down before the advancing teams. If they don’t act soon, they will lose. And Siff hates losing. She makes eye contact with Bear and gives him a look, come on dumbass, you know what you have to do. Bear knows that look all too well. He rolls his eyes, pulls his rifle, and grits his teeth for the pain that’s about to come. He starts shooting toward the direction of Siff’s snipers, drawing
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